Car accidents are a significant cause of injury and death worldwide, with numerous factors contributing to their occurrence. The following are the four most common causes of crashes. If you have been injured, call a Monticello, IN car accident lawyer for legal assistance.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of car accidents. Distractions can take a driver’s attention away from the road and increase the risk of a collision. Common sources of distraction include:

  • Mobile Phones: Texting, calling, or using apps while driving significantly diverts attention from driving tasks. Despite laws prohibiting mobile phone use, drivers continue to engage in these activities.
  • In-Car Technologies: Modern vehicles are equipped with various technologies, such as GPS systems, entertainment units, and voice commands, which can distract drivers if not used properly.
  • Other Distractions: Eating, adjusting radio settings, or engaging in conversations with passengers can also lead to distracted driving.


Speeding is another major contributor to car accidents. Driving above the posted speed limit or too fast for road conditions can have several detrimental effects:

  • Reduced Reaction Time: Higher speeds reduce the time available to respond to sudden obstacles or changes in traffic conditions, making it harder to avoid collisions.
  • Increased Impact Force: The severity of a crash is directly related to the speed at which the vehicles are traveling. Higher speeds result in greater impact forces, leading to more severe injuries and property damage.
  • Decreased Vehicle Control: Speeding can make it difficult to maintain control of the vehicle, particularly when navigating curves or handling adverse weather conditions.

Driving Under The Influence (DUI)

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs significantly impairs a driver’s ability to operate a vehicle safely. The effects of impaired driving include:

  • Decreased Coordination and Reaction Time: Alcohol and drugs can slow reflexes, impair coordination, and reduce the ability to make quick decisions, increasing the likelihood of accidents.
  • Impaired Judgment: Impaired drivers may misjudge distances, speeds, or traffic signals, leading to poor decision-making and hazardous driving behaviors.
  • Reduced Awareness: Alcohol and drugs can diminish a driver’s awareness of their surroundings, making it difficult to respond appropriately to traffic conditions or hazards.

Aggressive Driving

Aggressive driving encompasses a range of behaviors that increase the risk of accidents due to the driver’s hostile or reckless attitude. Aggressive driving often stems from frustration or impatience but can be avoided by remaining calm and practicing patience on the road. Common aggressive driving behaviors include:

  • Tailgating: Following other vehicles too closely can lead to rear-end collisions if the lead car has to stop suddenly.
  • Road Rage: Exhibiting aggressive behaviors such as yelling, making obscene gestures, or engaging in dangerous maneuvers can escalate situations and result in accidents.
  • Unsafe Lane Changes: Making abrupt or unsafe lane changes without signaling can cause collisions with other vehicles.

 Contact Our Car Accident Law Firm

If you have been injured in a car accident, call Hall-Justice Law Firm LLC to find out what legal options you may have. We will evaluate your case and determine what type of damages you may be entitled to.