Arrested for a criminal offense? Contact Lafayette, IN Criminal Defense Lawyer Susannah Hall-Justice LLC today!

No one expects to get arrested and need a criminal defense attorney as a result. Maybe you were in the wrong place at the wrong time? Or the police officer was over-aggressive and arrested you without cause? Attorney Susannah Hall-Justice LLC has served as a Lafayette IN criminal defense lawyer for over twenty years and has seen these events occur before. She understands the stress you are facing and will work tirelessly to defend you in your criminal matter.

About Hall-Justice Law Firm LLC

  • Attorney Hall-Justice LLC has been practicing criminal law for over twenty years
  • Has filed many record expungements since Indiana law changed in 2013
  • Is member of National College for DUI Defense
  • Succeeded in defending many Lafayette citizens over the years

At Hall-Justice Law Firm LLC, we handle criminal matters ranging from DUI defense, marijuana possession, drug crimes, theft, burglary, fraud, and other criminal matters. We understand how important your situation is; moreover, we will do everything in our power to ensure you have the best defense possible.

DUI Defense, Marijuana and Drug Crimes, Theft, Burglary & Fraud

At Hall-Justice law firm LLC, Lafayette IN criminal defense lawyer Susannah Hall-Justice LLC has successfully defended a variety of criminal matters. She understands how much stress you are under and strives to protect your confidentiality and integrity during this stressful time.

Defending Your Future

We understand the debilitating effect a criminal charge can have on your life in the present, as well as the future. It is of utmost importance that you have legal presentation to defend you against a conviction or other penalty. While every case has its own set of challenges, criminal allegations are a threat to you personally, professionally and puts your future in doubt.

It will make all the difference in the world to have a skilled and experienced attorney defending you in your criminal matter. At Hall-Justice Law Firm LLC, an experienced attorney will work with you to craft a powerful defense that casts doubt on the evidence presented in your case. We will look into the tactics used by law enforcement as well as other investigatory personnel. We will find any proof of misconduct or evidence that should be inadmissible. These findings will make it increasingly difficult for the prosecution to succeed in convicting you.

With an experienced Lafayette IN criminal defense lawyer by your side, you will feel secure in knowing that your case is in the best of hands. We always aim to have your case dismissed or have your offenses reduced to the lowest extent possible in that situation. We will zealously advocate on your behalf to defend your future.

Do’s and Don’ts of Dealing With a Criminal Case

Don’t Communicate with Law Enforcement Without Your Lawyer

Anything you say at any point can be held against you in court, and you may not be aware what information to share or withhold at any given time. Do not engage with law enforcement officials without your lawyer present; a criminal defense lawyer in Lafayette, IN, know what to say and what your rights are, so they can keep you informed on how to communicate and behave when dealing with the law.

Do Be Honest With Your Lawyer

The professionals at Hall Justice Law Firm are here to help you, so be completely honest about your case. Don’t lie or withhold information from your lawyer, and give definitive, consistent answers to the best of your ability. The more honest you are, the more your lawyer can help you make a strong case in your own favor. Likewise, holding back information can severely hurt your case if it comes up at a later point.

Don’t Talk About Your Case Online

Remember: do not talk about your case to anyone other than your criminal defense lawyer in Lafayette, IN. Sharing any information on social media can make a huge impact on your case, and you never know where the information will end up. Your best bet is to avoid social medial altogether for a short period of time.

Do Be Respectful To Law Enforcement and In Court

No matter what your case is, remember to be polite and respectful to anyone you work with during legal proceedings. Whether you’re talking to a member of law enforcement or asked to speak in court, address everyone in a professional and mature manner. Also, be sure to dress in proper courtroom attire (such as a suit or simple black dress).

Don’t Attempt to Contact Witnesses or Victims

Not only can speaking with witnesses or victims lead to unnecessary or harmful disclosure of information, it can also seriously breach restraining orders or other legal boundaries. Do not attempt to get in contact with anyone else involved in the case; again, the only people you should be sharing information about your case with is your criminal defense lawyer in Lafayette, IN.

Do Hire a Trustworthy Lawyer

Your legal team is meant to help you make a strong case and defend your future. Don’t trust your case to just anyone — speak with the professionals at Hall Justice Law Firm and learn what your options are.

What Type Of Cases Can Our Firm Help You With?

A Lafayette, IN, criminal defense lawyer handles diverse cases, each presenting unique challenges and requiring specific legal strategies. The legal team at Hall-Justice Law Firm LLC has extensive experience in the following types of cases.


Misdemeanor cases are less serious offenses compared to felonies and typically involve crimes such as petty theft, disorderly conduct, minor drug possession, or DUI (Driving Under the Influence). These cases are generally punishable by fines, probation, community service, or short jail sentences (usually less than a year).

Despite their lesser severity, misdemeanor charges can still have significant consequences, including a criminal record that can impact employment and other aspects of life. Criminal defense lawyers handling misdemeanor cases focus on negotiating plea deals, seeking alternative sentencing options, or defending their clients in trials to minimize penalties or secure dismissals.


Felony cases involve more serious crimes with higher penalties, including lengthy prison sentences, heavy fines, and sometimes even capital punishment in states with them. Felonies encompass a wide range of offenses, from drug trafficking and assault to burglary, rape, and homicide.

Due to the gravity of these charges, felony defense requires extensive preparation, investigation, and often specialized expertise in areas such as forensic evidence and constitutional law. Defense strategies may involve:

  • Challenging the prosecution’s evidence
  • Asserting constitutional rights violations
  • Negotiating plea agreements
  • Presenting a robust defense at trial to achieve the best possible outcome for the defendant

White-Collar Crimes

White-collar crimes typically involve financial or business-related offenses committed by individuals in positions of trust or authority. These include embezzlement, fraud, insider trading, money laundering, and corporate misconduct.

Defense in white-collar crime cases often involves complex financial analysis, understanding corporate structures, and navigating intricate regulatory and legal frameworks. A Lafayette criminal defense lawyer may work with forensic accountants, investigators, and other experts to challenge the prosecution’s evidence, negotiate settlements, or defend clients in trials. The stakes in white-collar cases can be high, with defendants facing significant fines, restitution orders, and reputational damage.

Juvenile Cases

Juvenile cases involve individuals under 18 who are accused of committing delinquent acts that would be considered crimes if committed by adults. These cases are handled in juvenile court, emphasizing rehabilitation and intervention rather than punishment. Common offenses include vandalism, underage drinking, drug possession, and other juvenile crimes.

A criminal defense lawyer in juvenile cases focuses on protecting the rights of young clients, advocating for alternatives to detention, and ensuring that their clients receive appropriate treatment and support. Juvenile defense may involve negotiating with prosecutors, presenting mitigation evidence, or challenging the allegations in court.

Contact Our Criminal Defense Law Firm For Legal Assistance

In addition to these primary categories, a Lafayette criminal defense lawyer from our firm can also handle specialized cases such as domestic violence, immigration-related crimes, appeals, and post-conviction matters. Each type of case requires a nuanced understanding of the law, strong advocacy skills, and the ability to tailor defense strategies to the client’s specific circumstances and goals.

If you have been charged with a crime, call Hall-Justice Law Firm LLC for a free consultation to find out how our firm can help.

Criminal Defense FAQs

If you are facing criminal charges, it is imperative you have a Lafayette criminal defense lawyer advocating for you and ensuring your constitutional rights are protected. The following is an overview of how a lawyer can help. For more details, call Hall-Justice Law Firm LLC.

How Can A Criminal Defense Lawyer Help Me If I’ve Been Accused Of A Crime?

A criminal defense lawyer plays a crucial role in protecting your rights and providing a solid defense. Here’s how they can help:

  • Legal expertise: Criminal defense lawyers are trained in criminal law and procedures. They can assess the details of your case, analyze evidence, and identify legal defenses that may apply to your situation.
  • Investigation: Lawyers can conduct thorough investigations to gather evidence that supports your defense. This may include interviewing witnesses, reviewing police reports, and examining forensic evidence.
  • Negotiation: Defense lawyers negotiate with prosecutors to seek reduced charges, lesser penalties, or alternative sentencing options through plea bargains. They advocate on your behalf to achieve the best possible outcome.
  • Court representation: If your case goes to trial, your lawyer will represent you. They will present arguments, cross-examine witnesses, and challenge the prosecution’s evidence to defend your innocence or mitigate the charges against you.

How Can A Criminal Defense Lawyer Protect My Rights During A Criminal Investigation?

During a criminal investigation, your Lafayette criminal defense lawyer plays a crucial role in safeguarding your rights and ensuring fair treatment under the law:

  • Legal advice: Your lawyer can advise you on your rights during police questioning and interactions with law enforcement. They ensure that your statements are made voluntarily and by legal procedures.
  • Prevent self-incrimination: Lawyers can protect you from making statements that could incriminate or harm your case. They guide you on when to exercise your right to remain silent and when to provide information.
  • Challenge evidence: Criminal defense lawyers can challenge the legality of evidence obtained through unlawful searches or seizures. They file motions to suppress evidence obtained in violation of your constitutional rights.
  • Monitor due process: Lawyers ensure that the prosecution follows due process and meets the burden of proof required to convict you. They challenge procedural errors or violations that could impact the fairness of your trial.

How Can A Criminal Defense Lawyer Assist In Reducing My Charges Or Sentence?

If you are facing criminal charges, a criminal defense lawyer can work to minimize the impact of the legal process on your life and future:

  • Plea bargaining: Lawyers negotiate with prosecutors to reach plea agreements that may involve reduced charges or recommend leniency in sentencing. This can result in lighter penalties or alternative sentencing options such as probation or diversion programs.
  • Sentencing advocacy: During sentencing hearings, your lawyer presents mitigating factors and arguments for leniency to the judge. They may highlight your remorse, rehabilitation efforts, and positive societal contributions to advocate for a favorable sentence.
  • Alternative sentencing: In cases where traditional sentencing may not be appropriate, such as drug-related offenses, defense lawyers may advocate for alternative sentencing options, such as drug rehabilitation programs or community service.
  • Appeals and post-conviction relief: If you are convicted, your lawyer can pursue appeals or post-conviction relief to challenge the conviction or sentence based on legal errors, new evidence, or ineffective assistance of counsel.

How Can A Criminal Defense Lawyer Help If I’m Innocent?

If you maintain your innocence, a defense lawyer is essential in building a strong defense to prove your innocence and protect your rights:

  • Investigation and evidence gathering: Lawyers conduct thorough investigations to uncover evidence that supports your innocence. This may include alibis, witness testimony, or forensic evidence contradicting the prosecution’s case.
  • Expert witnesses: Defense lawyers may consult with expert witnesses, such as forensic experts or medical professionals, to provide testimony that supports your defense and challenges the prosecution’s evidence.
  • Cross-examination: During the trial, your lawyer cross-examines witnesses presented by the prosecution to expose inconsistencies, biases, or motives that undermine their credibility.
  • Defense strategies: Lawyers develop strategies tailored to your case, such as mistaken identity, lack of intent, or insufficient evidence. They present compelling arguments and evidence to persuade the judge or jury of your innocence beyond a reasonable doubt.

Call Our Law Firm Today

A Lafayette criminal defense lawyer is your advocate, providing legal expertise, protecting your rights, and striving to achieve the best possible outcome in your criminal case. Do not try to fight these charges on your own. Call Hall-Justice Law Firm LLC to find out how we can help.

Call and Speak to a Criminal Defense Lawyer Today

Due to the serious nature of the offense, you should secure legal counsel as quickly as possible. A Lafayette IN criminal lawyer can assist you in developing a strong defense that can sway the court in your favor. If you choose to not retain an experienced criminal defense attorney, you are risking both your livelihood and freedom. An experienced criminal defense lawyer can make all the difference in a criminal matter.

You don’t get a restart button in a criminal law case. You have one shot to make a compelling argument that secures your freedom and your future. As an experienced Lafayette IN criminal lawyer, Attorney Susannah Hall-Justice LLC takes pride in her reputation as a skilled criminal defense attorney. She has also been assisting Lafayette IN residents for over twenty years. Her involvement in the community, as well as its many organizations, allows her to have a strong grasp on the pulse on the legal community and the changes that occur in the criminal justice system.

Contact Hall-Justice Law Firm LLC today for a free consultation. We will conduct an intense case evaluation and prepare a strong defense for you. We defend all types of criminal matters, whether a felony or a misdemeanor.

If you are facing a criminal defense charge, contact Lafayette IN Criminal Defense Lawyer Susannah Hall-Justice LLC today.



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