Personal Injury Lawyer

Personal Injury Lawyer

In a world of increasingly superfluous lawsuits and insurance fraud, you may be nervous about claiming compensation after an accident. Recovery from injury is a lonely experience and only you know what you’ve gone through. Where would you even start to prove your injuries to a courtroom? The good news is that a personal injury lawyer will help you gather irrefutable evidence of your injuries.

Medical Records

The first things you should gather for your case are the medical records and medical bills associated with your accident. Seeking medical treatment quickly after the accident happens – or after you discover your injury – will help connect your injury to the accident that caused it. A doctor’s plan of care for injuries that aren’t so quick to heal can help prove the extent of your injuries while also allowing you to ask for compensation for future medical costs.

Your lawyer may also ask you to keep a pain journal during your recovery to prove the amount of pain your injury has caused. This will not only include the physical pain of your injury, but the emotional and mental toll it has taken as well. While it is difficult to be vulnerable about pain, it’s an important piece of evidence if you want to make a pain and suffering claim in addition to receiving compensation for your medical bills.


While it may seem gruesome to take photos of your injury, they can be vital evidence you shouldn’t ignore. If your injury is obvious, such as lacerations and abrasions after a car accident, photographs that place your injuries at the scene of the accident can be crucial proof that they came from that accident. Photographs of the accident site can also prove necessary if the scene includes physical proof of what happened. This can include evidence of blood or damage to the accident site.

Witness Statements

Having eyewitness accounts is another important piece of evidence for your injury. While not every accident has someone to witness it, those that do have the benefit of additional corroboration to the events. It’s important to seek eyewitness testimony as quickly as you can. A person’s memory may become hazy over time. You’ll want to find people who witnessed not just the accident itself, but the extent of your injury afterward.

There are many easy ways you can prove your injury in a personal injury case so long as you document that proof immediately after the accident. Call a personal injury lawyer today to see how they can help you gather evidence for your claim.