Bike Accident Lawyer Monticello, IN

Bicycles are used for leisure, transportation, and even commerce. While there are many bike-friendly cities across the nation where bike lanes are available, bicyclists may find themselves hit by a car driver who failed to consider their presence on the roadway. There is always a risk of an accident when vehicles and bicycles share the same space. If a car strikes a bicyclist, the injuries can be devastating. The only protection a bicyclist has is the gear they wear on their body and a helmet. Bicyclists who have been seriously injured due to being hit by a car are encouraged to speak with our Monticello, IN bike accident lawyer about their case. You could be owed compensation for your injuries and other losses. Please reach out to Hall-Justice Law Firm LLC today for more information.

Bicycle Accident Causes

Even if the accident seemed obvious that the car driver is at fault, you will need to have evidence to show this is true and to the degree in which you were affected. Accidents involving bikes can occur for many reasons, but driver negligence is the most common factor. Other contributing factors for bike collisions can include drunk drivers, disregarding traffic regulations, distractions, poor road conditions, pavement defects, inclement weather, or getting “doored” by cars who have parked on the side of the road. If you did not see what the driver was doing moments before being hit, then you may need our dedicated bike accident attorney to do a further investigation. Please contact our law firm if you need assistance with your case.

Liability For Your Injuries

Drivers and their insurance companies frequently dispute their role in the collision and the victim’s claims for compensation. Unfortunately, insurance companies are often more concerned with making money and not paying victims fairly after a serious personal injury accident. The driver and opposing parties may even attempt to blame you for the accident. This is why it is all too important to have a legal team on your side to navigate the after effects of this incident. We can ensure that you get proper medical attention, repayment for your losses, and hold the offending driver responsible for their carelessness. Don’t hesitate to reach out today for guidance.

Hall-Justice Law Firm LLC

Bicyclists that became victims in a driving accident are wise to speak with our team at Hall-Justice Law Firm LLC. You would be surprised just how willing insurance companies and other parties suddenly become when they realize a claimant has representation from a lawyer. This is because they know our IN bike accident attorney is familiar with victim’s rights and can enforce them accordingly. If you want our help in getting the most compensation possible, contact our team now. Once we know more about the accident and how you were impacted we can advise further. You can trust that we can handle the legal side as you focus on yourself. We hope to speak with you soon. Call or email today.

Common Bike Accident Injuries

A Monticello bike accident lawyer knows that, unfortunately, bike accidents are common occurrences that can result in serious injuries and even fatalities. Cyclists are vulnerable on the road due to their lack of physical protection compared to motor vehicles. At Hall-Justice Law Firm LLC, we have successfully represented many bike accident victims injured by negligent vehicle drivers. The following are some of the most common injuries our bike accident victim clients have suffered.

Head Injuries

Head injuries are a significant concern in bike accidents, especially when cyclists are not wearing helmets. Even with helmets, severe head injuries can occur due to the impact of hitting the ground, a vehicle, or other objects. The most common head injuries include:

  • Concussions: A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury caused by a sudden impact or blow to the head, resulting in a temporary loss of normal brain function.
  • Skull fractures: Severe impacts can cause fractures in the skull bone, leading to brain damage and other complications.
  • Intracranial hemorrhage: Bleeding inside the skull, which can be life-threatening if not promptly treated.

Head injuries can have long-term consequences, affecting cognitive function, memory, and motor skills. Wearing a properly fitted helmet is crucial in reducing the risk and severity of head injuries in bike accidents.

Orthopedic Injuries

Orthopedic injuries involve damage to the musculoskeletal system and are common in bike accidents due to the force of impact and the nature of falls. These injuries can include:

  • Fractures: Broken bones are prevalent in bike accidents, often affecting the arms, legs, collarbone, and wrists. The impact of falling onto hard surfaces or collisions with vehicles can result in fractures of varying severity.
  • Dislocations: The force of the accident can dislocate joints such as the shoulder, elbow, knee, and hip.
  • Sprains and strains: Ligaments, tendons, and muscles can be stretched or torn during falls or sudden movements, causing pain, swelling, and limited mobility.

Depending on the severity, orthopedic injuries may require surgery, immobilization with casts or braces, physical therapy, and significant recovery time. Your Monticello bike accident lawyer can help get you financial compensation for the losses a long recovery time causes.

Road Rash

Road rash is a friction burn caused by the skin scraping against pavement or other rough surfaces during a bike accident. It can range from mild abrasions to deep lacerations, often affecting large areas of the body. Road rash injuries can be painful and may lead to complications such as infection if not properly cleaned and treated. Protective clothing like long sleeves, pants, and gloves can reduce the severity of road rash in accidents.

Facial Injuries

Facial injuries can occur in bike accidents due to impacts on the ground, vehicles, or objects. These injuries can range from minor cuts and bruises to severe trauma affecting the eyes, nose, mouth, and jaw. Common facial injuries include:

  • Facial fractures: Broken facial bones, such as the nose (nasal fracture) or cheekbones (zygomatic fractures).
  • Dental Injuries: Broken teeth, jaw fractures, or damage to dental structures.
  • Eye injuries: Trauma to the eyes, including corneal abrasions, orbital fractures, or even vision loss.

Facial injuries may require surgical intervention, dental treatment, and long-term rehabilitation to restore function and appearance.

Call Our Personal Injury Law Firm For Legal Assistance

Bike accidents can result in a wide range of injuries, each with implications for recovery and long-term health. If you are injured, prompt medical attention and proper documentation of injuries are crucial for effective treatment and potential legal claims for compensation. It is also crucial to have a skilled Monticello bike accident lawyer advocating for you. Call Hall-Justice Law Firm LLC today to schedule a free consultation and find out how we can help.