Birth Injury Lawyer West Lafayette, IN

Birth Injury Lawyer West Lafayette, IN - Justice mallet and United States Certificate of Birth AbroadA birth injury lawyer in West Lafayette, IN specializes in helping families affected by preventable conditions during the birthing process and taking legal actions against the medical personnel in charge. Often times families that work with birth injury lawyers can find that they receive compensation to cover their child’s treatment costs.

During this time, it is easy to feel overwhelmed, but having a qualified lawyer on your team can ensure that your focus is where it needs to be. Your focus should be on your child and ensuring they get the proper medical care they deserve. A lawyer will build handle all the legal necessities so you don’t have to worry.

What Is a Birth Injury Lawyer? 

Birth injury lawyers are a subset of personal injury lawyers that help pursue legal action for newborns affected by preventable injuries. Many birth injuries can be severe and leave children physically and/or mentally disabled for their entire lives. Often times lifelong treatment may be needed to manage the symptoms for these children.

The sad truth is many families struggle to pay for these medical expenses. It has been shown that about 40% of families struggle to pay for costs associated with their child’s disability. This is where a birth injury lawyer can help the family. They can help pursue money on the family’s behalf to cover the cost of lifelong treatments and can hold the negligent healthcare workers accountable for harming the baby.

A birth injury lawyer can:

  • Build a case against the doctors or nurses who delivered the child
  • File the case within the appropriate court of law
  • Gather supporting evidence which includes witness testimonies and medical records
  • Help families receive financial compensation for their child’s injuries

Birth Injuries And Medical Negligence 

Each case is going to be different, but some birth injuries could have been prevented with proper medical care. Medical professionals have years of experience delivering babies, which means they should know how to safely prevent birth injuries or the dangerous conditions that may cause them.

Unfortunately, healthcare professionals sometimes make easily preventable mistakes that cause birth injuries. When this happens, it is considered medical malpractice. Here are some situations that could be considered medical negligence during the childbirth process:

  • Failure to monitor signs of fetal distress
  • Failure to monitor or treat maternal infection
  • Failure to the tact or treat oxygen deprivation or lack of oxygen to the brain
  • Failure to perform a necessary cesarean section
  • Improper use of delivery tools such as forceps or vacuum extractor
  • Use of excessive or unnecessary force on child’s head, neck, shoulders, or arms as the acts of the birth canal

An experienced lawyer can help prove your child’s injury was caused by medical negligence in the court of law to help you when financial compensation.

If you have more questions about what a birth injury lawyer in West Lafayette, IN, can do for you, then don’t hesitate to reach out to Susannah Hall-Justice LLC for more information and a free consultation today.

Why It Is So Important for Parents to Seek Legal Guidance

One of the primary reasons why it is so important for parents of an injured infant to speak with a birth injury lawyer West Lafayette, IN residents trust is that a failure to do so can lead to truly life-changing consequences. As the dedicated legal team at the Hall-Justice Law Firm LLC can confirm, parents are often so overwhelmed in the wake of becoming new parents and in learning about their child’s injuries that they cannot summon the energy to speak with an attorney until long after the original harm has been done. This is a problem for numerous reasons.

First, the law only allows so much time to pass before injury victims and their families are barred from pursuing rightful compensation. As a result, it is important to explore your legal options early so that you can make informed decisions about those options within the time frame allowable by law.

Second, many parents understandably put off the task of speaking with a lawyer until the financial consequences of their child’s injuries have begun to affect the family budget. In the early days of parenthood, let alone in the early days of parenting a child that has been injured, parents tend to operate in survival mode. Many of them are shocked to realize just how quickly the impacts of lost wages, medical expenses, and other consequences of birth injury have begun to pile up. Speaking with an attorney as soon as you can will help to ensure that your family’s finances aren’t negatively impacted for too long before you receive rightful compensation.

Third, there is a very real chance that if you fail to speak with a lawyer now, you’ll be wondering “What if?” long into the future. “What if?” you had explored opportunities for compensation? Would that have enabled you to provide your child with even more specialized care? Would doing so have helped you save your house when you found yourself grappling with serious medical debt? If a medical professional’s substandard care caused your child harm, you shouldn’t be held responsible for the financial impacts of that substandard approach to patient care.

Dealing with Insurance Companies

Another reason why it is important to connect with an experienced West Lafayette birth injury lawyer as soon as you can is that we can communicate with insurance companies on your behalf so that you can focus your energy on tending to your child’s needs. We understand the ways in which insurance companies try to devalue or reject legitimate claims. As a result, our communications with insurance representatives tend to be more effective than when patients deal with them directly.

Weighing the Pros and Cons of Accepting a Settlement

If you have already been offered a settlement by the provider’s that caused your child’s harm, connect with the West Lafayette birth injury lawyer team at Hall-Justice Law Firm LLC. We can review the terms of the settlement to ensure that the offer has been fairly valued. If it hasn’t been fairly valued, we can advise you of your rights and options before you accept or reject the settlement offer as a whole.