Truck Accident Lawyer West Lafayette, IN

truck accident lawyer in West Lafayette, IN - Tractor TrailorIf you or a loved one have suffered injuries as a result of a truck accident, it is often in your best interest to reach out to a truck accident lawyer West Lafayette, IN residents trust, for help. In these instances, you’re most likely in pain and are trying to determine your next steps. A truck accident lawyer will be able to identify the liable party, collect evidence, interview eyewitnesses, and negotiate with the opposing insurance company.

By having a lawyer on your team, you will be able to focus on healing or taking care of her entered family member.

Are All Truck Accidents Legally Actionable?

If you’ve recently been injured as a result of a crash involving a large commercial truck, it’s time to connect with an experienced truck accident lawyer West Lafayette, IN travelers trust. Depending on the unique nature of your circumstances, you may be entitled to one or more kinds of compensation as a result of the harm you’ve suffered.

The skilled legal team at Hall-Justice Law Firm LLC has extensive experience with these complex cases and we are proud to represent the interests of injured truckers, motorists, motorcycle riders, cyclists, pedestrians, and bystanders alike. I’ve you’ve suffered harm due to another’s conduct, you should not be forced to bear the burdens of the financial consequences associated with your crash.

If you’re unsure of whether your situation is legally actionable, that’s okay. As our detail-oriented West Lafayette truck accident lawyer team can attest, it is often difficult to determine whether a truck accident is legally actionable until the circumstances leading up the crash have been thoroughly investigated. Why? Not all crashes are legally actionable. Generally speaking, one must be able to prove certain legal standards before an injury victim can be awarded compensation.

Applicable Legal Standards

Although the standard of proof applied to a case may be a little different if a crash was caused by a defective car or truck part, there are usually three legal criteria that must be met for an accident to be legally actionable.

First, it must be proven that anyone (whether that party is a company, an individual, a government agency, etc.) named as a defendant in a lawsuit owed the victim pursuing legal action a duty of care under the law. This generally means that they had some legal responsibility to reduce the risk that anyone would be harmed as a result of their conduct.

Second, it must be established that the defendant somehow acted in ways that were negligent, intentionally dangerous, or reckless. That serves as a breach of the duty of care mentioned above.

Third, it must be proven that the defendant’s conduct that constitutes a breach of care directly caused or contributed to the cause of the victim’s harm.

These are complex legal standards that may not mean much to you now, and that’s okay. Unless you’re a lawyer, it isn’t your job to understand the ins and outs of the law and how those nuances may apply to your situation. That’s our job. Once the dedicated team at Hall-Justice Law Firm LLC has evaluated your case, we’ll be able to advise you in re: whether your legal matter is legally actionable or not.

Why Schedule a Risk-Free Consultation?

You may be unsure of whether meeting with a West Lafayette truck accident lawyer is an effort that is worth your time. This is understandable, as your time and energy is precious – especially now that you’re recovering from injury. Know that speaking with an attorney now may help to save you considerable time, energy, stress, and money down the line. By advocating on behalf of your interests, we may be able to secure you significant compensation as a result of the harm you’ve suffered.

What a Truck Accident Lawyer Does

When a truck accident occurs, it is often a dramatic event, and that is why a lawyer is there to help you through the process of ensuring you get the compensation you deserve.

Determining Liability

Truck accident cases are often more complex than it was two passenger cars colliding. You may believe that the truck driver is the only party at fault for the accident, but there can be more than one responsible party to hold accountable. Your lawyer will determine the possible defendants and a truck accident, which can include:

  • The truck driver
  • The trucking company
  • The truck manufacturer
  • The shipping company that loaded the cargo
  • Insurance companies
  • Government entities

Building A Compelling Case

After your lawyer has determined liability, they can start to build a compelling case. A truck accident lawyer will do the following so you can focus on your recovery:

  • Investigate and collect evidence in your case, including police reports, video or photos from the accident scene, any data from the truck’s onboard electronic information system, eyewitness statements, and expert testimonies.
  • Gather and compile all of your medical bills and expenses relating to the injury, in addition to any documents that prove loss.
  • Identify all potential liable parties and insurance carriers.
  • Negotiate with the entrance companies for affair supplement on your behalf.
  • Take the case at trial if the insurance companies refused to settle

Your lawyer is going to have your best interest in mind. You should not have to battle with insurance companies on your own for the compensation that you rightly deserve. A good truck accident lawyer will be able to take on the insurance adjuster and file all relevant documents in your case so you can rest and recover without having to worry about if you file the right documentation or if your case is just going to be denied altogether. Healing should be your first priority and not having to worry about dealing with insurance adjusters who don’t have your best interests in mind.

Having a lawyer on your team is greatly beneficial, as they can do the majority of the heavy lifting with your case. If you have any more questions about what the truck accident lawyer in West Lafayette, IN, can do for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to Susannah Hall-Justice LLC for more information today.